Monday, September 27, 2010

Some Reviews

Here are some reviews of a few products that have done me a little good as a mommy of 4.

First are these Cascade Action Paks with Dawn.

When we purchased our house 2 years ago, we bought a brand new Maytag Stainless Steel dishwasher for our kitchen. I hadn't had a working dishwasher in the house that we had rented for 2 years before that so I was excited to actually have a dishwasher again. Well, it worked fabulously for the first few washes and then it started to put this yucky white film all over my dishes. I tried to run vinegar through it and that didn't work. I changed dish soaps, tried liquid soaps, even washed the dishes before I put them in the dishwasher.....Didn't work....So I stopped using it. It has been about a year since I used it and I just got tired of washing dishes by hand and I was talking with my friend Stacey about it and she said she had the same problem not too long ago. She said she started using these little bad boys and hasn't had any issues with it since changing. So, once again, I ran vinegar through it to clean it out, added some rinse aid and tried again. GUESS WHAT!?! It worked. Now I can use and have been using my dishwasher again. If you have that problem, try these.

Next on the list are these Target brand diapers.

I have almost always used Huggies or Pampers diapers on all my kids because of sensitive skin issues. The few times I tried store brand or less expensive brands, my kids broke out in horrible rashes. So, you can only imagine my skepticism when my brother calls me to tell me about these diapers. He has a 3 year old that is just a few months younger than my 3 year old. So he starts off our conversation with, "What kind of diapers do you use?" Of course, I answer him. I have always been a bit of a diaper snob because of my kids' sensitive skin. So he tells me about these awesome diapers at Target that are only $6 for the same size as a $9 package of Huggies. He tells me that his 3 year old can sleep all night (10 hours or more) without having any leaks and that when the boy does his business (if you know what I mean), they have to check the diaper rather than being able to smell it. So it has this great odor protection. So, he keeps on talking and I keep getting more and more skeptical but I'm still listening. Finally, I tell him I will try them. At that time, Juanito was still wearing a diaper at night and Ramon was maybe 2 months old. Some time passes, I don't get to Target to buy diapers for some reason or another and then I finally get there. They had a pack for $6.19 with the same amount of diapers in it that the Huggies package did for $8.79 (36 diapers). Just to do the math, Target brand $0.17 per diaper and Huggies $0.24 per diaper and they get even cheaper if you get the big box. I think it was like $13.79 for the big box vs $19.99 for Huggies. So I bring these things home and made sure that I still had some Huggies left just in case Ramon broke out in a rash. I didn't change Juanito to these diapers. He wore them overnight the first night and no rash, no leaks, no smells. Then all day the next day. Then the rest of the week. Seriously, I have to check to see if he has done his business in there because I can't smell it...and I have mommy nose!! Definitely recommend these diapers!! And to add to it, they have a cute design.

Last one will be the Walmart brand in baby food. This one will be really quick...

I like this stuff. Juanito ate it and Ramon is now eating it. You get more for your money and when you have boys that eat like mine, you will be happy you went with this. The only downside to these are they don't really make vegetable dishes but rather more fruits and sweet stuff.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Updates! Updates! UPDATES!!

I haven't blogged in a month!! I have taken TONS of pictures but for some reason my computer says they aren't in the right format so I haven't been able to get them on here...ANYWHO...I wanted to post some updates to this little thing called L-I-F-E.

August 13th was my parents' 34th wedding anniversary. We were hoping and praying that they would be able to receive the Sacrament of Marriage in the church on that day. There was one more signature they needed. They still haven't gotten it yet. Things happen for a reason, I know, but it all but KILLED me to see my mom disappointed and my dad...? That was another story. I haven't seen that side of my dad in a looooooooonnnnnnng time and I hated to see him that way. Gotta trust in God though.

Ramon turned 5 months old on August 19th. IT'S BEEN 5 MONTHS ALREADY???? That is just craziness! He is growing like a weed. He is already 16lbs. He had Croup a few weeks ago and that was kinda funny...He would cry and when he would hear himself, he would look around like, "Hey, who is that crying? Doesn't sound like me..." We got him past that finally and he ended up with a sinus infection too. Poor baby. He's tough though and he smiles through it all. Kids are so incredibly resilient. It's amazing!

August 22nd was my youngest daughter's 9th birthday. I started a blog for this one but didn't get to it. It fell on a Sunday this year and one of her friends was having a birthday party that same day so I let both of my girls go. The party was in Chandler at this jungle gym type of place. I dropped them off at 11am and they didn't get home until 8pm! Her nino was waiting for her from about 5pm until she got home because he brought her this giant cupcake for her day. We have a tradition with our birthdays and that is that the birthday person gets to pick what's for dinner whether that's going out somewhere or me making their favorite. Brianna got home from her friend's house and asked me, "Mom, are we still going out for my birthday dinner?" Um.......yeah, right. NOPE! We promised her dinner another day since she had school the day after her birthday. She had a fun day though. Hopefully, we can manage to have a birthday party for her...

August 23rd was my oldest son's 3rd birthday. He is getting so big and he holds conversations with me now. It's usually about his elephant or milk or his peepee but he holds conversations. I just love him so much. He sounds like Beeker from the Muppets when he talks. We had a birthday party for him on the 28th. I took pictures of that too but I can't get them off my camera. It rained. HARD. For about 10 minutes and then it went away and the kids could swim. My parents made their best cake ever and I can't wait to get pictures up of it. He had a fun day and loves his cars that he got!!

The girls started 4th grade. They are getting old enough for me to leave them at home by themselves. I do it only if I need to go to the store really quick and they do great with it. They call me if they need me and they keep the door locked. Trying to teach them to be responsible is interesting to say the least.

I have been communicating better with my sister lately which is a good thing. She and I did some shitty things to each other and I'm glad we are slowly working toward a better relationship. I miss her. She is my only sister and she was the one that defended me when I was a kid. We traded homework. Nuff said.

I'm sure there's more and I will post my pictures to this or another blog when I can get them onto my laptop.

Have a nice day! M Kay Byeee!

Friday, July 30, 2010

I wish I could have been closer to you...


I don't know what you believe in but I know what I believe. And anyways, this blog isn't about you, right? Well, here's a long but amazing testament to something I truly believe.

When I was in grade school, I was friends with a girl named Laura Davis. We only went to grade school together. While in junior high and high school, every now and again, I would get a call from Laura. She would say to me, "I was just going through my phone number book and I saw your number and I just thought I would call and see if it was still your number. How are you doing?" Then we would talk for hours about our lives and we were off to continue living until the next random call. It seemed that she would always call when I was mad at the world and hated my parents or something. (When wasn't I upset with them as a teenager?) So life went on and I didn't get any calls from Laura after about Junior year in high school or so. I didn't know what happened with her and quite frankly, I had somewhat forgotten about her.

So we add a little thing called Facebook to the equation. Fast forward 12 or 13 years and here we are. I don't have a lot of my childhood friends on my Facebook because there aren't many that I care to be in contact with. I had lots of acquaintances in school and only 2 really good friends. I get a friend request from one of my high school friends and I accept it and start looking at their friends list. Low and behold, there is Laura Davis! So I didn't even blink before I went to her page and requested her as a friend. She accepted. She had a TON of friends and her display name wasn't Laura Davis, it was Mind's Creation. That just told me she is making a life for herself. We caught up with each other just a little bit on Facebook. Then we had the random comments here and there on our statuses every now and then. She would post a question, I would answer it; I would put up something funny one of my kids did and she would comment. Nothing major.

------>Now I am going to insert another important part of this story: About my Papa. He died about 5 years ago or so. He had some intestinal issues and some other complications along with old age and such. When he died, Juan and I were split up and he didn't go with me to the funeral. One of the times in my life when I needed him the most and he wasn't there. The girls and I went. I had to explain to them what death meant...all by myself. I miss my Papa. So 4 months ago, my son Ramon was born. The entire time I was pregnant I dreamed of my Papa. I smelled him in my car and in the wind when it would blow through. My mom shared with me that these things often happened to her too. Also during that time, we found out that my dad could have a life threatening illness and so my dreams of my Papa helping my dad cross over were more vivid than anything. (My dad is ok, thankfully!) I never put 2 and 2 together because also while I was pregnant, my mother in law also died. She was the first one on my mind when it came to the new baby. How she wouldn't be here to see her new grandbaby born and she wouldn't get to play with him. My sister in law spoke with someone that told her that "Jamma" was already playing with our babies (all 3 of us were pregnant at the same time) and taking great care of them before she sends them to us. That became the belief; the gospel for the 3 of us. When Ramon was born with blue eyes, I knew immediately that my Papa had played with my son and cared for him as well. Sylvia had help. :) No one else in my family has blue eyes. No one in Juan's family has them either.

Ok, back to present day on Facebook... The other night I got on Facebook one last time before I went to bed and I see this as Laura's post:

I really don't like doing this as it is very private. There has been a man here with me all day, who has passed over, asking me to speak with his granddaughter. The gentleman passed of colon cancer or some kind of renal failure, "not to long ago." If you felt drawn to this message please come see me as he says that I have not read for you before, yet. ~smiles~

I was sucked into that like you wouldn't believe. I knew as I read that, it was me. I sent her a message. She's a psychic. Now whether you believe in people having an ability or not, I believe in angels. They come in all sorts of shapes and sizes and with all kinds of different abilities. Call it what you want. A monkey in silk is still a monkey. I told her that I thought it might be me for 3 reasons: Ramon's eyes are blue, my mom has been having a recurring dream over the last few weeks that has to do with her family and dad, and that I had SO many dreams about him when I was pregnant.

So she messaged me the next morning that it was me. My Papa has something he wants to tell me. She said he had been telling jokes about farting to try and get her to find me. He really needed to tell me something. She said that she could do a reading for me for 30 minutes or if I didn't have the time that she could tell me what he wants to say in a message. The problem with that is that I may not understand the message. I agreed to do the full 30 minute reading with her at her office. That will be tomorrow. I can't wait to see what he needs to tell me. I really believe that he had something to do with us getting together. I think he found a means to be able to communicate with me. I'm very anxious because I haven't seen Laura since 6th grade! And of course, my mom has been battling herself about whether she should invite her sister to her wedding in the church. Maybe he can help me to answer that too.

I may or may not finish this post after I have gotten my reading depending on what the message is.


I will not be sharing all the things that she shared with me just because they are personal to me. I will share however that my papa wanted me to know that he acknowledges that he knows now that I felt "snubbed." She said he used that word in particular. He didn't know that I felt that way until I was at the wake for his death and I said to him, "I wish I had been closer to you." She didn't know about me saying that to him and neither did ANYONE else. She also asked me about another day that I had a conversation with them (my grandparents) where I had been asking for some guidance. This was actually at their gravesite on Palm Sunday one year. I went there after church and sat there talking to them for an hour or longer. The message that he really wanted me to have was that he heard me. He hears my prayers and sends angels to me to help me. He sees all the things I do to keep things in order and says I need to relax. She said that he knows that I know when he's around. I do, I smell him. When I told her that, she said that he had a bottle of cologne or something on the counter top in the bathroom. He did. So there was A LOT more but I really don't want to share the rest.

It was a really good experience and it wasn't something I feel was going against my religious beliefs at all. I feel better knowing the things she shared. She did say that my grandparents were standing next to me for the whole reading with their hands on my shoulders talking WAY too fast to her. ~smiles~

I have a few tasks out of all this and I think I am going to try and tap a little further into my own intuition.

Oh and she mentioned Sylvia too and how she and my grandparents are working together to help my family on more levels that we know.


Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Guest Post from Brianna

There is an interesting place in California and it is San Diego. It is so interesting because Sea World is in San Diego.There are no other theme parks in San Diego. Also I don't have a favorite. Sea World is so fun.

My trip to San Diego
When we got there it was 3:30.We unpacked our stuff and then we ordered some pizza. Then we went to Coronado island that night.We saw a lot of boats,and people.
Then the next day we went to Sea World.It wasn't that far away from the hotel.We saw Blue Horizons and the Shamu show.Then we left Sea world.The next day we tryed to go to the beach but it was too crowded. Then we went to go visit the other side of the family in Los Angeles.Then we picked Ramon up from Nichole. When we picked him up we went home. When we got home we were all very tired,so we all went to bed that night.It was a good time in San Diego!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Guest Post from Tallynna

This week im going to sea world on friday. I just cant wait till friday. The way I wait is so tough for me because its a pain in the butt. I dont like the summer so well. But i have to get used to it.

At the time has past i still cant wait to go to sea world.You know a youngh women is so hard. Because yesterday i had to try on 10 pair of shorts but we fond the i fite in. I fite in a size 5-6 in youngh wemen cloths.


Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Gonna Try...

A blogger that I follow did this and maybe it will work for me although I don't think I have quite as many followers as she does buuuuuutttt......

Do you or anyone you know have a Bumbo seat or something similar I can borrow for my son? I don't really even care if it's pink at this point. We just got him a walker thinking that he is tall enough for it but he's not. His feet just dangle but he LOVES LOVES to be sitting up and can't do it on his own.

Let me know.


Wednesday, June 23, 2010

We can do stuff

When I am offered the opportunity to hear the Sr VP and General Manager of my company speak, call me a teacher's pet, but I LOVE to hear this man speak. I am always at the edge of my seat and hanging on to every word he says. He always speaks from his heart and you can always tell when he is passionate about the subject he is presenting.

This past Wednesday, he spoke to us at leadership conference. He told stories and jokes like he always does but he told us a most interesting story about a Native American man named Ernest Evans who served in World War II as a captain of a destroyer ship in the Battle of Leyte Gulf. He spoke of this man's unending positivity and how much he truly lived the cliche of "when life hands you lemons, make lemonade." He would take his situations and make the best of them and be the best at whatever he was doing. Before he became a captain of his own little ship he manned a tugboat that pulled the aircraft carriers into their spaces. He made the best of it and did his best - Always.

He went on to tell us of the story of the day this battle unfolded and how Captain Evans never backed down when rightfully and justifiably they could and they would receive no flack for it. The Japanese were shooting rounds at their little destroyer ship that if just one hit it in the right place, it would sink it. One shot. Captain Evans was out there on the bridge and watching out for what was going on. He got hit, lost some fingers, his clothes were destroyed but did he quit? No way. One shot ended up hitting the motor that helped to steer the ship and some of the crew begged him to turn back and retreat. He refused. Instead, he went down to the manual steering mechanism and began to steer the ship by hand. All while continuing closer into the Japanese's firing line. It began to rain and so the Japanese were unable to see what the little destroyer had behind it. Surely, it wouldn't keep coming their way if it was all by itself. The Japanese were a bit worried and continued to fire their arms. Finally, the ship was hit and it sunk with the captain on board. Doing all he could and doing his absolute best.

So when the Sr VP was talking about this guy, I was amazed that someone could grab my attention when it came to history but he did. So the VP went on to say that we, as leaders, "we can do stuff!" Doesn't necessarily sound like the words that would come out of such a high up leader. BUUUT, he eats in the cafeteria with us and doesn't treat anyone any different than the way he wants to be treated - Like a human being.

He really believes in us as leaders and knows that when it comes down to it, each and every one of us would fight the good fight for the company we work for and we would do our best at it. We work as a team and lead our people well. We aren't afraid to get in the trenches and work right next to our people.

"We can do stuff!"

Please notice I didn't use his name or my company's name in this blog and I would ask that you respect that and not do it either.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


No this is not a lucky number...well not for me anyway!

This is a VERY special number for 2 very very important people in my life. If not for them, I would not be here - literally.

I am talking about my parents, Fred & Linda Tims.

The memories I have of them are many but I want to share some that come to mind often and some that are so very vivid and then I will share some news as well.

My parents were never and are still not perfect but man they gave me a clear, beautiful picture of what a marriage should be. They argued very few times in front of us and when it was in front of us, it was usually because of us. They never went to bed at different times and still don't to this day. They took us to lots of places. I was one of very few kids that could say I had been to 25 states before I graduated 8th grade. We went to Washington DC one Christmas. We saw the White House, all the monuments, went into the Washington Monument and watched President George Bush land in the helicopter. We saw the Liberty Bell. I've been to all the Smithsonian Institutes. We drove across the Lake Pontchartrain Causeway which is the longest overwater bridge in the world! I got to see the houses in New Orleans in all their beautiful glory before Hurricane Katrina removed them from anything but pictures. They lived for us. Really. Ask them and they may say something different. But I doubt it.

So what does all this have to do with the number 34? I'm getting there.

I watched my parents devastated when our house was robbed and when things turned up missing. There were so many things that we put them through. And they stuck it out. It worked because they really are best friends. They don't do anything without one another. My dad takes my mom to the store and waits outside for her no matter how long it takes. He makes sure she takes her medicine and that she naps when she needs to. She makes him take his medicine and naps when he needs to.

My parents got married on August 13th, 1976. My Grandma (my dad's mom) and my Grandma and Papa were there. After the ceremony was over and they were signing their marriage certificate, my dad looked up at the judge and asked him if he knew the name of a good lawyer. The judge looked at him and asked, "Why?" My dad said, "Because I want a divorce." And so it began. We have heard about my dad wanting a divorce for as long as I can remember and he loves telling people this story. As you read, it was a Judge and not a Priest that was present.

So my mom was baptized in the Catholic church not too long ago. They want to receive the sacrament of Marriage in the Catholic Church. My dad grew up in the Catholic church and schools and so he's good to go. They were both married before to other people but my dad's marriage was not performed before God so it really doesn't "count." mom's marriage was performed in the church. Her ex-husband was baptized in the Mormon church and for some reason or another, Catholics don't see that as being baptized so they should be all good, right?!


They had to go through the Catholic Tribunal and fill out all kinds of paperwork to be able to receive the sacrament of Marriage. They started the paperwork A LONG time ago and they thought that they would have the results back pretty quickly because of the ex's baptism and they would make the deadline to get married on their 34th wedding anniversary. It's getting really close.

Fast forward to a few days ago, my mom got a call from the Tribunal. They told her that they would be sending a form to her ex-husband to have him fill it out. It is a form to ask him if he has been baptized in any other church. If he hasn't, they will anull their marriage. If he has, they will not. If he doesn't return it, they will anull by default. Now, during all this time, my parents have spoken with mom's ex a few times on the phone to let him know they were trying to get this done. He has no problem helping her and has disclosed to her that he was only baptized once in his life and that was at the Mormon church. So, hopefully we will meet the deadline.

The really neat thing about all this is that my parents were married on a Friday the 13th. Their 34th anniversary falls on a Friday the 13th. They have the church reserved and the hall is reserved by someone in the family that day...they will be contacting her to see if they can have it. :)

This is what I was so excited about on Facebook! I can't wait to be able to see my parents, the people that taught me what relationships are about, tie the knot before God and everyone. More importantly, my parents are very happy.

We are truly blessed and we know that when we pray for things, God will give us what we need and will not give us what we cannot handle. God must know how much this means to us as a family and how truly important it is because we are 99% sure it's gonna happen. Of course, there is a slight chance that it won't but we're staying positive!!

August 13th, 2010
Fred & Linda Tims Wedding

You didn't tell me how to live. You lived and let me watch you do it.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Tres Meses

My little man turned 3 months old a few days ago! He has been such an easy baby to take care of. Juanito was probably my easiest but Ramon is a close second. I can't wait until he's in kindergarten...well maybe I can but...

  • He still sleeps through the night from about 9pm until about 7am. Sometimes it's longer and sometimes it's shorter but definitely through the night.
  • He eats about 7 ounces still. He has eaten a few 8 ounce bottles but on average it's 7.
  • He can roll over!! From his back to his tummy.
  • He smiles ALL the time!
  • He's a little flirt.
  • He's wearing a 3-6 month usually but has some 6 month clothes that he fits in.
  • His next check up with the doctor is at 4 months so we will see how much he weighs and how long he is.

Here are some pictures I took on his 3 month day:

Can you tell he JUST ate?

He's laughing in this one. He laughs when I blow raspberries on his tummy!

MONKIES!! I love monkies!

We can call him LL Ramon!

FEET!! Every one of his monthly updates have a picture of his feet.

Still has BLUE eyes! I have a theory about this...his Papa had blue eyes and so not only was Sylvia playing with him before he came to us, so was his Papa.

He just looks so big to me!

Baby aerobics

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The Circus is in town! The Circus is in town!

I was 5 years old. My parents said we were going on a "Mystery Trip." These were infamous in my house as a kid. I later found out this was just in case the plan fell through and we weren't let down. BUT I digress.....My mom made me wear this ugly blue Navy style dress. I HATED DRESSES!! I threw the biggest fit! So we all got ready and left for our "Mystery Trip" and ended up at the Ringling Bros & Barnum & Bailey Circus. I was AMAZED! We had front row seats and the elephants were larger than life. They stunk and they pooped everywhere but they were awesome! I soon forgot about the dress because.............
They did this thing where they let audience members be part of the show. My brother got to be the Ringmaster and I got to ride on an elephant! It had to be the best day of my life as a kid and I talked about it forEVER!!
So, I am going to take my kids this year so they can be amazed like I was and I found this discount and thought I would share:

You can use it online, at the box office or over the phone
$44 for 4 tickets is a FANTASTIC price!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

The First to Graduate

Today, I got to see my oldest niece graduate from high school. She was my parent's first grandchild and so this is why the post is titled the way it is. I am very proud of her. She got a full ride scholarship to ASU and will start in the fall. In the graduation, the principal said that Sunnyslope's Seniors this year set a school record for the amount of money earned in scholarships at over 8 million dollars!

Here she is! Getting ready to head in to get in line. She looks so excited!

This is her boyfriend Zachary.

And here he is again. He really doesn't smile much but he's a nice kid.

Half of the green and white caps after they filed in.

So, funny story about this picture. I was sitting on the opposite side from Heidi and so when her group of graduates stood up, I raced over to the other side and sat on my knees in the aisle and waited for her to get up to receive her diploma. Well as they called her name, the next line of graduates got up and were walking across the aisle...Punks! So all I got were some blurry, senior-ridden pictures of her getting her diploma...Oh well!

And this is her, going back to her flash was off! GRRRR!!!

Then they all went outside to get their actual diploma and wait for their families to meet up with them. Here she is waiting for us to find her.

Family picture time! Heidi with Tallynna and Brianna.

Heidi and Zachary


Heidi and Grandma and Grandpa

Alicia, Heidi, Charlie, Lauri, and Adam is in the front.

Sisters being silly!

I made her put her diploma into the cover they gave her...

...And then hold it up

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Missy Grace

Laila Graciela Duckworth
Born May 25th at 12:51am
6lbs 9oz and 18.5 inches long

I happened to be on Facebook and saw that Nichole was gonna be heading to the hospital Monday. So I sent her a text message to let her know to keep me updated and that I would be at the hospital with her. So she texted me later in the evening to say that they had started the pitocin to induce her. I told her I had to handle the kids and then I would be on my way. I got there around 10:15pm. Joe, Kika, Teresa, and Loyiel were there in the waiting room while Nichole was getting an epidural. When I got in the room to see her this is what she looked like:
The epidural was good!

Here was Loyiel's perch for the night...

Until Kika said, "Shove a bunn!"

Then "The Doctor" came in. I said, "I'm gonna guess you're a doctor!"

The doctor said it was time! We're ready to have a baby! (Nichole is anyway) Loyiel held Nichole's shaking hand.

Two pushes later, we have a Laila! Here she is a few seconds old.

Hi MAMA!!!

What are all these lights and why is it SO cold?!?

On the scale

Laying in the fetal position with her butt in the air...I thought it was cute.

Mommy, Daddy & Laila

Well hello Daddy! I'm gonna have you wrapped up just like you have me right now...

Me with Laila.

The birthing team! YAY TEAM!!

So all in all, this one was pretty easy for Nichole. I am grateful that I was able to be there for Laila's birth! I just love her!!

All the pregnancies in the family have resulted in healthy babies and mommies! All 4 of them!

Saturday, May 22, 2010


5 months ago today, my mother in law died. For me, it has been tough to deal with but not so much because of my connection with her but because of the connection between her and my husband. Around him, I have been walking on eggshells for at least the last month or so making sure I don't upset him but was unsuccessful at that the other night when I didn't answer my phone when he called. My ringer was still off from work. I didn't do it on purpose. I said I was sorry. Not good enough. So long story short, I have been very worried about him and it sucks. Some things that have been going through my head are:

  • How do I help him when I don't really know what's wrong?
  • How can I make it easier?
  • How would I really handle it if he did something drastic to himself or me or our kids?
  • How come I don't have more sympathy to it rather than just wanting to help him get through it?
  • I miss my husband and want him to come back.

I will just hang in there cause I don't really know what is going on and I can't be making decisions when I don't have all the details. I just have to be strong and take care of our kids and be patient.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

2 Months

Ramon is 2 months old today!! Time goes by so quickly when you get back into the daily grind of things. These are the only 2 pictures I took of him today...

  • Ramon smiles when you talk to him now and he babbles back.
  • He is wearing mostly 3 month old clothes but can still get into 0-3 month clothes.
  • He eats about 7 ounces at each feeding and is sleeping 8 hours. Goes to bed around 9pm and wakes up around 5am.
  • He follows you around with his eyes.
The other kids have adjusted very well to him. Juanito will usually leave me alone with Ramon if I am feeding him. That's not to say he's left me alone and is being good...He's usually getting into something or playing "washy hands" in the bathroom. The girls are just like little mamas with him and are, most times, willing to hold him while I make a bottle or dinner.

He has been a wonderful addition to our family and I am extra happy that our family is complete!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

I Wish

I wish I was a little bit taller, I wish I was a baller, I wish I had a girl who looked good I would call her. I wish I had a rabbit in a hat with a bat and a 64 Impala! Haha! I had to start this one off funny to fill some buckets before I (possibly) empty some.

My feelings are hurt right now so stop reading now if you don't want to hear it.

I wish my husband would take more pictures with me.
I wish I didn't blame myself for everything. I know now that's a conscious choice.
I wish Juan still had his mom to talk to. He is completely different without her.
I wish my kids could spend more time with their Grandparents.
I wish I didn't sacrifice so much so everyone else is happy before I am.
I wish I could be more selfish when it comes to sleeping.
I should have sold the gun instead of throwing it in the canal.
I wish I could hang out with Juan AND his friends. I guess I'm not fun enough. Seems like I'm just his wife now and not his friend.
I wish I didn't know how to do things like maintain the pool, use a screwdriver, and call the plumber.
I wish I could manage my finances better and also that I didn't have to manage the finances.
I wish I could be like all the other wives.
I wish Juan would comment on my Facebook posts. (Seems silly but it matters to me) I also wish he would read my blog. If he does, he hides it really well or it shows how much we talk about anything other than the kids.

These are all things I'm sure people love about me but sometimes I get so tired of doing everything and being there for people. I feel like I'm being used right now. Like I always say though, I taught people to treat me this way by allowing it.

K, I'm over it. I wish I was a little bit taller y'all....

Sunday, May 9, 2010


This is the most complete description of what it feels like for me to be a mother to my 4 beautiful children. I have dealt with things as simple as a bump on the head to broken arms to "Mom, why didn't my real parents want me?" and beyond with my children. I love them more than words can ever express and I would do absolutely anything to make sure they are safe and happy kids. You see, to me, Mother's Day isn't about me at all. For without them, I wouldn't be celebrating Mother's Day for me. I am truly thankful that God thought me worthy to have my children and also grateful that He didn't need them before I had the chance to raise them. I have known many people that have been called to help God in this way and I don't know that I would be strong enough for that.

This sums it up for me...

Before I was a Mom, I slept as late as I wanted and never worried about how late I got into bed. I brushed my hair and my teeth everyday.
Before I was a Mom, I cleaned my house each day. I never tripped over toys or forgot words to a lullaby. I didn't worry whether or not my plants were poisonous. I never thought about immunizations.
Before I was a Mom, I had never been puked on, pooped on, spit on, chewed on, or peed on. I had complete control of my mind and my thoughts. I slept all night.
Before I was a Mom, I never held down a screaming child so that doctors could do tests...or give shots. I never looked into teary eyes and cried. I never got gloriously happy over a simple grin. I never sat up late hours at night watching a baby sleep.
Before I was a Mom, I never held a sleeping baby just because I didn't want to put it down. I never felt my heart break into a million pieces when I couldn't stop the hurt. I never knew that something so small could affect my life so much. I never knew that I could love someone so much. I never knew I would love being a Mom.
Before I was a Mom, I didn't know the feeling of having my heart outside my body. I didn't know how special it could feel to feed a hungry baby. I didn't know that bond between a mother and her child. I didn't know that something so small could make me feel so important.
Before I was a Mom, I had never gotten up in the middle of the night every 10 minutes to make sure all was okay. I had never known the warmth, the joy, the love, the heartache, the wonderment or the satisfaction of being a Mom. I didn't know I was capable of feeling so much before I was a Mom.

This is a link to a Kelly Clarkson song that makes me think about my kids even though she didn't write it for a mother/child love. Enjoy!


A few things about my mom. I love her more than she knows. She's an inspiration. She's caring; so much so that I think she would just about let anyone in that needed a glass of water or something to eat. The only reason she doesn't do this now is because my dad doesn't let her. So I picked out a few pictures that either had her in them or reminded me of her.

She really isn't supposed to be lifting my 35lb (at the time) son but she did just so he could get the Easter egg that was hanging in the blind pull string.

Here she is again, holding my son. She doesn't care that it could hurt her physically because it's what he wanted. She puts everyone in front of herself.

I think I got my love of taking pictures of the clouds from her.

These are her kitties. They are almost a year old now but when they were first born, they were inseparable. They are still this way today. This is Clarkie and Miss Stacha (kinda like mustache).

Here she is climbing the stairs at the Shrine of St. Joseph last year on Mother's Day. She shouldn't be climbing stairs either but you know....

I love flowers! Can't grow them to save my life but I remember as a kid, going out and pruning my mom's Petunias in the garden. She loves flowers too.

She is SOO creative! Next to making cakes for all the kids' birthday parties, she always does these little crafts for them. These are their Easter eggs.

This was Mother's Day last year again. She loves every single one of her grandkids!

My mom and I have a lot in common. She is compassionate, trusting, forgiving, strong and most importantly, the BEST MOM in the whole world!! I don't care if everyone else thinks I am biased...she is!