Monday, September 27, 2010

Some Reviews

Here are some reviews of a few products that have done me a little good as a mommy of 4.

First are these Cascade Action Paks with Dawn.

When we purchased our house 2 years ago, we bought a brand new Maytag Stainless Steel dishwasher for our kitchen. I hadn't had a working dishwasher in the house that we had rented for 2 years before that so I was excited to actually have a dishwasher again. Well, it worked fabulously for the first few washes and then it started to put this yucky white film all over my dishes. I tried to run vinegar through it and that didn't work. I changed dish soaps, tried liquid soaps, even washed the dishes before I put them in the dishwasher.....Didn't work....So I stopped using it. It has been about a year since I used it and I just got tired of washing dishes by hand and I was talking with my friend Stacey about it and she said she had the same problem not too long ago. She said she started using these little bad boys and hasn't had any issues with it since changing. So, once again, I ran vinegar through it to clean it out, added some rinse aid and tried again. GUESS WHAT!?! It worked. Now I can use and have been using my dishwasher again. If you have that problem, try these.

Next on the list are these Target brand diapers.

I have almost always used Huggies or Pampers diapers on all my kids because of sensitive skin issues. The few times I tried store brand or less expensive brands, my kids broke out in horrible rashes. So, you can only imagine my skepticism when my brother calls me to tell me about these diapers. He has a 3 year old that is just a few months younger than my 3 year old. So he starts off our conversation with, "What kind of diapers do you use?" Of course, I answer him. I have always been a bit of a diaper snob because of my kids' sensitive skin. So he tells me about these awesome diapers at Target that are only $6 for the same size as a $9 package of Huggies. He tells me that his 3 year old can sleep all night (10 hours or more) without having any leaks and that when the boy does his business (if you know what I mean), they have to check the diaper rather than being able to smell it. So it has this great odor protection. So, he keeps on talking and I keep getting more and more skeptical but I'm still listening. Finally, I tell him I will try them. At that time, Juanito was still wearing a diaper at night and Ramon was maybe 2 months old. Some time passes, I don't get to Target to buy diapers for some reason or another and then I finally get there. They had a pack for $6.19 with the same amount of diapers in it that the Huggies package did for $8.79 (36 diapers). Just to do the math, Target brand $0.17 per diaper and Huggies $0.24 per diaper and they get even cheaper if you get the big box. I think it was like $13.79 for the big box vs $19.99 for Huggies. So I bring these things home and made sure that I still had some Huggies left just in case Ramon broke out in a rash. I didn't change Juanito to these diapers. He wore them overnight the first night and no rash, no leaks, no smells. Then all day the next day. Then the rest of the week. Seriously, I have to check to see if he has done his business in there because I can't smell it...and I have mommy nose!! Definitely recommend these diapers!! And to add to it, they have a cute design.

Last one will be the Walmart brand in baby food. This one will be really quick...

I like this stuff. Juanito ate it and Ramon is now eating it. You get more for your money and when you have boys that eat like mine, you will be happy you went with this. The only downside to these are they don't really make vegetable dishes but rather more fruits and sweet stuff.


Michelle said...

Tiffany bought me those diapers for Atalie and I like them. I actually had already been using them for Arielle before she was potty trained.

And I love the Walmart brand food. Bigger and cheaper. Works for me! Although Atalie isn't eating baby food yet.

Kami said...

I used to be a parents choice diaper person but then went to huggies because of Kamryn's sensative skin issue. I have been getting great deals on huggies but now I know what to try when there aren't good coupons for huggies. Thanks for the reviews!

Unknown said...

I love Walmart baby food also! My twins love the squash and pear... You should try making some homemade. I've done that and it is quick and a heck of a lot cheaper!

I'll have to give the Target brand another try. I used them a few years ago with Parker and they just didn't fit him right. I go through so many that I usually buy my diapers on or Costco just so I can buy a lot at once!