Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The Circus is in town! The Circus is in town!

I was 5 years old. My parents said we were going on a "Mystery Trip." These were infamous in my house as a kid. I later found out this was just in case the plan fell through and we weren't let down. BUT I digress.....My mom made me wear this ugly blue Navy style dress. I HATED DRESSES!! I threw the biggest fit! So we all got ready and left for our "Mystery Trip" and ended up at the Ringling Bros & Barnum & Bailey Circus. I was AMAZED! We had front row seats and the elephants were larger than life. They stunk and they pooped everywhere but they were awesome! I soon forgot about the dress because.............
They did this thing where they let audience members be part of the show. My brother got to be the Ringmaster and I got to ride on an elephant! It had to be the best day of my life as a kid and I talked about it forEVER!!
So, I am going to take my kids this year so they can be amazed like I was and I found this discount and thought I would share:

You can use it online, at the box office or over the phone
$44 for 4 tickets is a FANTASTIC price!


Unknown said...

We are going the 24th! Ty is suppose to be getting off early! What day are you going?

Jenny from the Blog said...

I am taking the kids on the 23rd! I'm so excited! The boys will have so much fun!