Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Updates! Updates! UPDATES!!

I haven't blogged in a month!! I have taken TONS of pictures but for some reason my computer says they aren't in the right format so I haven't been able to get them on here...ANYWHO...I wanted to post some updates to this little thing called L-I-F-E.

August 13th was my parents' 34th wedding anniversary. We were hoping and praying that they would be able to receive the Sacrament of Marriage in the church on that day. There was one more signature they needed. They still haven't gotten it yet. Things happen for a reason, I know, but it all but KILLED me to see my mom disappointed and my dad...? That was another story. I haven't seen that side of my dad in a looooooooonnnnnnng time and I hated to see him that way. Gotta trust in God though.

Ramon turned 5 months old on August 19th. IT'S BEEN 5 MONTHS ALREADY???? That is just craziness! He is growing like a weed. He is already 16lbs. He had Croup a few weeks ago and that was kinda funny...He would cry and when he would hear himself, he would look around like, "Hey, who is that crying? Doesn't sound like me..." We got him past that finally and he ended up with a sinus infection too. Poor baby. He's tough though and he smiles through it all. Kids are so incredibly resilient. It's amazing!

August 22nd was my youngest daughter's 9th birthday. I started a blog for this one but didn't get to it. It fell on a Sunday this year and one of her friends was having a birthday party that same day so I let both of my girls go. The party was in Chandler at this jungle gym type of place. I dropped them off at 11am and they didn't get home until 8pm! Her nino was waiting for her from about 5pm until she got home because he brought her this giant cupcake for her day. We have a tradition with our birthdays and that is that the birthday person gets to pick what's for dinner whether that's going out somewhere or me making their favorite. Brianna got home from her friend's house and asked me, "Mom, are we still going out for my birthday dinner?" Um.......yeah, right. NOPE! We promised her dinner another day since she had school the day after her birthday. She had a fun day though. Hopefully, we can manage to have a birthday party for her...

August 23rd was my oldest son's 3rd birthday. He is getting so big and he holds conversations with me now. It's usually about his elephant or milk or his peepee but he holds conversations. I just love him so much. He sounds like Beeker from the Muppets when he talks. We had a birthday party for him on the 28th. I took pictures of that too but I can't get them off my camera. It rained. HARD. For about 10 minutes and then it went away and the kids could swim. My parents made their best cake ever and I can't wait to get pictures up of it. He had a fun day and loves his cars that he got!!

The girls started 4th grade. They are getting old enough for me to leave them at home by themselves. I do it only if I need to go to the store really quick and they do great with it. They call me if they need me and they keep the door locked. Trying to teach them to be responsible is interesting to say the least.

I have been communicating better with my sister lately which is a good thing. She and I did some shitty things to each other and I'm glad we are slowly working toward a better relationship. I miss her. She is my only sister and she was the one that defended me when I was a kid. We traded homework. Nuff said.

I'm sure there's more and I will post my pictures to this or another blog when I can get them onto my laptop.

Have a nice day! M Kay Byeee!

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