Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Our 2 year anniversary will be on March 31, 2009. I was looking for this and finally found it...

His vows to me (he actually wrote it)

As I stand here I have seen this day from afar.

Now we are here, hand in hand.

So beautiful you are.

Today our hearts glow as they have since we met.

Brighter and brighter they will shine as our time continues.

You've always cared for me like no other ever will.

God proving to me again, Love is the greatest gift of all.

I have my angel.

Thank you God.

I may start blogging some of the other stuff he has written for me over the years. I just thought I would share.


Today, I got an email from my new director about attending a charity event with our company. I read it a little and saw that it was for the NBA Cares organization and the event is to rebuild Holiday Park in west Phoenix. There will be some current and past NBA Stars there helping to build a new playground set and paint and clean up. So, I got really excited to be allowed to be a part of this so I sent Juan a text message to tell him. I remembered that he used to play basketball at that part ALOT since it was by his old house. He reminded me that a long time ago he vowed that he would rebuild that park if he ever made it "big." So even though he isn't "big" in his sense of the word, I told him to come and help us. Making it big doesn't always mean money. It could be community service and I am glad that I can help him live one of his dreams.