Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Missy Grace

Laila Graciela Duckworth
Born May 25th at 12:51am
6lbs 9oz and 18.5 inches long

I happened to be on Facebook and saw that Nichole was gonna be heading to the hospital Monday. So I sent her a text message to let her know to keep me updated and that I would be at the hospital with her. So she texted me later in the evening to say that they had started the pitocin to induce her. I told her I had to handle the kids and then I would be on my way. I got there around 10:15pm. Joe, Kika, Teresa, and Loyiel were there in the waiting room while Nichole was getting an epidural. When I got in the room to see her this is what she looked like:
The epidural was good!

Here was Loyiel's perch for the night...

Until Kika said, "Shove a bunn!"

Then "The Doctor" came in. I said, "I'm gonna guess you're a doctor!"

The doctor said it was time! We're ready to have a baby! (Nichole is anyway) Loyiel held Nichole's shaking hand.

Two pushes later, we have a Laila! Here she is a few seconds old.

Hi MAMA!!!

What are all these lights and why is it SO cold?!?

On the scale

Laying in the fetal position with her butt in the air...I thought it was cute.

Mommy, Daddy & Laila

Well hello Daddy! I'm gonna have you wrapped up just like you have me right now...

Me with Laila.

The birthing team! YAY TEAM!!

So all in all, this one was pretty easy for Nichole. I am grateful that I was able to be there for Laila's birth! I just love her!!

All the pregnancies in the family have resulted in healthy babies and mommies! All 4 of them!

1 comment:

Jose said...

Everywhere I turn I see babies, and I am loving it. In time they will drive me crazy as I'll probably will get grouchy as I get older... but not yet! lol