Sunday, July 19, 2009

My Journey Today (Sunday)

This morning I was awakened by my almost 2 year old son at 3am crying. Juan wasn't home yet. (Another whole story that I don't feel like telling.) So I brought him into my room to lay down with me. He tossed around for about an hour and finally fell back to sleep. Then around 7:45am, he woke me up with a tap on my arm and his cute little "MAAAMMMAAAAA!" It was later than my usual time to get up to get ready for church but I decided to get ready and go anyway. I am really glad I went because our new priest Father McCaffrey told us about his work and how that relates to TACOS. Teach, Absolve, Console, & Offer Sacrifice. He told us that just yesterday he had to console a family that had their 24 year old daughter killed by a drunk driver. He talked about her sister that said she was very angry and didn't know if she could get past it. He told us what he told her and that was that she could either forgive and begin healing or she could not forgive and let that control her every move. If she decided to forgive, the healing may take weeks, months, or even years. That story meant a lot to me, especially today.

I made a last minute decision to take off and spend the day all by myself. I needed to think and clear my head and spend some time with nature. I wanted to go to Prescott to see if I could find my favorite perfume again since the store moved and I can't remember where they moved. So I packed a change of clothes and my laptop in case I took too many pictures and needed to download any of them. My camera is always in my purse. Off I went.

My first stop was to Del Taco in Anthem. I love Del Taco because I can get a chicken burrito, french fries AND a cherry coke all in the same place. I stopped under a tree and ate my lunch and then I was on my way again. I drove until I got to Prescott and just into the city limits, I stopped on the side of the road to take some pictures of the clouds. They were the big fluffy ones that I love!

Then, I drove down to Gurley St. This is the main shopping area in Prescott. There are TONS of shops there and on Sundays, they do a sort of swap meet on the Courthouse lawn. So I decided to park and go look for my place. It's called Aromaworks. They have this perfume there called Kimono Rose and I have never found it anywhere other than in Prescott and in Atlanta at the hotel I stayed in when I was there for work. Now I have lost my store... I didn't find it.

I went over to the swap meet and looked around. The wind was picking up and it seemed like it might rain. I looked around. There was some pretty cool stuff there. Lots of Native American things. Pretty neat.

The picture below is one that I took of the courthouse through the trees. This is one of my favorite places in Prescott because of all the trees.

I continued to take pictures as I walked through the "shops." This one is just a shot from the ground looking up at the clouds through the trees.

Here is a wall fountain that one of the vendors there sold. I thought of my father-in-law when I saw them.

It started to rain so I took cover under some trees. I rained for about 30 minutes and I just stayed under the trees to stay as dry as possible. I saw this Bible in the middle of the grass on a linen. It was getting wet and there was no one around it. I would have gotten this shot from the other side but I didn't want to get my camera wet...

Then I decided to leave since the rain had stopped. I have wanted to see the movie "Public Enemies" since it came out and I saw a theatre sign on my way to the shops. I followed the signs up a winding road and at each turn there was a new sign that said Theatre and had an arrow saying which way to go. I thought for a few moments that maybe there wasn't really one up there but I continued to follow the signs. Low and behold! There was a theatre! I think it had 5 movies. Public Enemies was one of them. It was 2PM and it started at 2:30. YAY!!! I have never went to the movies by myself but since I had some time and have tried to go see it with people before with no success, I bought my ticket and some popcorn and a drink. The movie was good. I know a lot more about John Dillinger than this movie showed but it was still good. The movie was over at about 4:45 and it was raining again so I decided to start making my way home. I had thought about spending the night there but Juan had to work the next day so I headed home. There were a couple of things that I had seen on the drive in that I wanted to take pictures of so I kept my eyes peeled for them on the way out.

Here are some cars that have been here for a LONG time. The sign on the way into this car graveyard says, "No Parts, Not for sale, Not a yard to leave your junk in. It's the future home of the Mayer Historical Car Museum" or something like that. The gate was open so I went in.

Then I left there and headed back down the 69. On the way in, there was a line of mailboxes and nothing else in sight. I looked for those again. I found them. I'm sure the people that were driving by thought I was bonkers, but oh well!! I thought they looked neat.

I got home around 6:45 or so. I had a nice day. I laughed, took pictures, cried, watched people, watched a movie, and got to do a few of my favorite things. All in all, a good day.


Michelle said...

Well good for you... and I love the pictures. But already told you that. Maybe you should send me some. The mailboxes... the first car one... the courthouse?

Jenny from the Blog said...

I will send them to you!

Marya said...

The mailboxes picture is just beautiful! =)

Jenny from the Blog said...

Thanks Marya!!

Unknown said...

Sounds like a great, relaxing trip. I think all moms are entittled to those every once in awhile. Beautiful pictures!