Saturday, July 11, 2009

Dinner Guest

Macaroni and Cheese: $1.50
Time Spent preparing: 15 minutes
An unexpected dinner guest: Priceless

Here is our doggie, Roscoe, peeking into the window this evening with his glowing eyes while we were eating dinner. He just wanted a bite!

Oh and don't look at the handprints on the window or my 9 month old blue painter's tape at the bottom of the window. (I haven't finished painting yet!!)


Jose said...

So, did you invite him in?

Michelle said...

You could have gotten 2 for $1 at walmart and let Rosco have a box ya big meanies!

Jenny from the Blog said...

We did not invite him in...but I did go out and play with him later while I was vacuuming the pool.