Thursday, January 8, 2009


I had a peer of mine come to me at work today and say that he looks up to me and that I am a special friend and person. This guy was actually my very first supervisor when I started working at Cox 7 years ago. It made me really see what kind of an impact we really make on people. You see, about 8 months ago, I sat down and had a conversation with him about him and his girlfriend's relationship. I'm no expert at this stuff but I like to think I give good advice.

He told me that he had been with this lady on and off since they were in high school. He's a little over 40 now so that's a long time. He said that she usually flies off the handle when she gets mad at him and she has such a bad temper and he didn't know why. He's a pretty relaxed and chilled out person. He said that he had applied for a job with Cox in Las Vegas and was offered. He was thinking about taking it and just disappearing from Phoenix and not telling her where he was. I can't remember all of the conversation we had, it was a long time ago, but I remember telling him about me when I first got together with Juan and how bad of a temper I had. He didn't believe me when I told him that I used to punch walls, yell and scream, and hit him. So I told him that time went on and after many "sessions" with my now mother-in-law, I have no temper and especially not in front of my kids. I told him that he needs to picks his battles with her (some advice Sylvia gave me) and that he needs to understand why she does the things she does and not take it personally. I'm sure I said more than that because I like to talk a lot but he got the basic message.

When he came to me today and said that he was going to ask her to marry him, I was stunned. He said that it wouldn't have ever come to this if he hadn't stopped at my desk to talk to me that one day.

This is the impact we have on others.

If you share your experiences and knowledge and not be worried about what people will think of you, you can change lives.


Michelle said...

Oh what a great story. I agree. Everyone I have ever known has made an impact on me somehow... and I understand that these people (whether good or bad) have shaped the person that I am today.

I hope that I can make an impact on someones life too. Starting with my kids... that's why I think before I do something.

And congrats to your friend.

Jose said...

People do have inpact on others that's why I try to steer away from negative people that love to instigate. I pick friends that will have a positive impact on me and my family. Life is too short to waste.

Chely said...

"When he came to me today and said that he was going to ask her to marry him, I was stunned."

I was stunned! What a contrast from; running away to Las Vegas to asking for marriage.

You are right. People’s actions & words can definitely impact us. I agree with Michelle, we should
Always “think” before doing something.

Your mother in law is one of my biggest influences:) I was just sharing this with two of my girlfriends last week. She has positively influenced me through her words and her actions.

Then on the opposite side, I allowed myself to be influenced negatively by a person’s words recently. I made changes that affected me in a sad way based on this and then, confirmed that the “words” were not even true.

But the positive outcome of both situations is that I learned valuable lessons and I too realized, how much we can impact others. This for me is a big responsibility. That is why I too love sharing my experiences - good and bad - with my daughters. My goal is for them to see how a negative situation in life can become positive in the long run.