Friday, January 30, 2009


I am scared to death and excited at the same time!!

I have been in the same department at my job for almost 7 years and this last Wednesday, I accepted a new position in our Credit and Collections department as a team leader. All these emotions keep running wild in my head..."What will happen with my current team? Are they upset or disappointed with me? Who will lead them now? And will they be as good as I know I was to my guys? How will the department run? Will there be a new "strong leader?" Do I really want to do this?"

Yep, I do. I am being a bit selfish this year. It's about me and my development. If I want to move up, I have to move to another department to grow.

So, before I applied, I talked with my mentor, my boss, the hiring manager and her boss to make sure this was the right move. They even reopened the posting so I could apply. So on a Thursday night, I made sure I could submit my resume. It was the hardest thing I have had to do in a LONG time. I almost cried because I am so loyal to those silly customers who think their phone is the remote or that the microwave is the TV and why won't it "Start?" (You thought that wasn't real huh? Well it is!)

I prepped for my interview which came the following Monday and I nailed it! I was so proud of myself. I got a response from them by Wednesday that my 2nd interview was on the next Monday. I went to that one and didn't feel like I did so well but they asked me if I was available to meet with the department VP the next day. (Of course I was even though it was my day off) When I walked into his office he informed me that usually he has 2 candidates to decide from but this time I was the only one. No one else even got a 2nd interview. I don't know how I got out of his office with my head being so big.

I caught my department VP in the hall and she said she was so proud but sad at the same time. She shared with me something my director had said about me..."Kevin said that he was losing his strongest leader." She felt it very important for me to know that he said that. I'm glad she shared. It's nice to know that your director talks about you in this manner to your VP.

I got the call the next day that I was being offered the position and I accepted it. I signed the paper they sent me through email and it's all up hill from here for now. I already have been tasked with a few things from my new boss even though I don't officially start there until 2/9. I guess that's a good thing.

I will let you all know in a few months if I am kicking myself for taking this! I'm sure I will be but not in a really bad way.

Without my desire to be challenged, I wouldn't have this opportunity.


Jose said...

Wow, congratulations! I knew you wanted this. Change is good, use your leadership skills to attack it and use your learning power to tackle those new challenges that without a doubt will be ahead of you. DO NOT under any circumstances let frustration get the best of you when new things you don't know are in front of you. You have to sort of grab the bull by the tail and adapt and overcome to new challenges. Good luck.

Michelle said...

Yay Congrats!!! So what will your new job entail?

I think you can handle it... and I think it will be a great thing for you. Me personally I don't think I would be as strong as you in the same position. Obviously I don't work and never really have so I think I would just be comfortable staying right where I am. I don't think I'd try to advance and do different things. So I think it takes courage, motivation, and determination to better yourself in the workplace and strive for a better position. So kudos to you.

I think when the time comes that I finally go out and get a job... I think I will be scared out of my mind. I have no experience in anything but taking care of kids! So even working a register or being in a work environment will be foreign to me.

Anyway see you tonight! Congrats again.