Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Maybe that should be spelled Daddies...oh well...

I'll start by saying that if you don't know me, I am one that will listen to a song on the radio and try to interpret what that means at that point in my life. It has to be on the radio because if it was on a CD or an iPod then I could plan when that song played. I will give you a few recent examples:

We went to a Christmas party at Juan's cousin's house and on the radio I heard the song, "Temporary Home" by Carrie Underwood. I loved it! It explains how in this world we are just passing through and there are bigger and more beautiful things waiting for us when we are done here. I posted this song on my Facebook profile so others could hear it too. This was just a few days before my mother in law passed away surrounded by people she loved.

When we got the call that Sylvia was not doing well and in the hospital again, Juan took off to the hospital and I was just sitting there in my bed debating on whether I should wake up the kids and take them to a friends house so I could be with her and more importantly my husband or whether I should just stay home because it was all out of my hands. I said a little prayer and really just said, "God, if it's her time, take her peacefully but if it's not, don't let her suffer and bring her back to us." That was it. Then I heard the song, "If today was your last day" by Nickelback and it was at that moment that I knew she wasn't going to make it.

If you get the chance to look them up, listen to them. I feel like songs play at a certain time for certain people for a certain reason. You just have to pay attention. Intentionally.

Now on to the reason I am writing this blog. I heard a song on the radio today called, "Hurry Home" by Jason Michael Carroll. I am attaching the video to this song so you can see it but it kinda hit me today when I heard it. I remembered when I was younger and we were going to move to North Carolina and my sister ran away with her boyfriend. She didn't come with us. As much as I knew it hurt my parents that she would separate herself from the family, they didn't show it. There were other times that my brothers and sister did things and hurt them but they loved us no matter what we did. So the father-daughter relationship between my dad and my sister had always been strained and for the last few years it has been non-existent. She hasn't communicated with any of us in that few years.

I know that if my sister called my dad and said, "Dad, I need help." He would be there. There is no doubt or question in my mind that he would help her and probably even let her live with them again if she really needed it. It would be a tough decision to make and may take him a little while to do it, but he just isn't the type of person that would let someone in his family live on the streets. So the bottom line is that this song reminded me of my dad and how he might have been feeling when she left to live with her boyfriend or how he might still feel about her now.

I could be wrong. I don't think I am.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i agree with you jen very very true. i remember when me and danny were broken up for those couple of months the song that played over and over on the radio (which drove me nuts!) was 'love story' by taylor swift.& i couldn't stand it cuz it was hard to listen to and i didn't want to be hearing it...i could be wrong too about it but it but i do agree with you and songs play for a reason if you listen...&"hurry home" is a good song.cute. :)
