Friday, January 15, 2010

Are you gonna be gone long?

Lately, it seems like Juan has been spending more time away than at home. Tonight, he is going to Rocky's again but this time to get a tattoo with his mom's name on it. What can I say about that but "are you gonna be gone long?" He responded with "Probably cause you know how Rocky likes to drag his feet and make me stay longer..." Bull! You make your own choices.

As much as I love Sylvia, I don't want any names on him. I don't know if this is his way of remembering her or what it really is because we have always talked about how he would never get names on him in the form of tattoos...It's his body. What can I do? Nothing.

I can only remind him that he shouldn't drink and get a tattoo at the same time. At least he knows (I hope) that I care.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

The week we finally came back home Jr said he was planning on getting my Mom's name tattooed on him. As if he doesn't have enough names already. So instead we're trying to come up with something to either incorporate in what he has or something else to remember her by. It's they way they grieve I guess. But I think Juan doesn't know the proper way to grieve.